For those in USA using a different way to write the date, I’ll explain- today is the 17/01 of 2021, or the same as the USS Enterprise NCC 1701.

As a sci fi geek, I have found a way to combine my love of medical history with being a geek – become a Star Trek doctor!

(did look at Star Wars, as was my first love, but not as easy to find unless portraying a robot!)

I decided to nice to myself and spend more on the accessories, than sewing an outfit and found something that worked online. Have also been able to get a few tricorders and hyposprays for running around with!

Decided on the time period of TOS Star Trek for starters, due to both the historical aspect of how people saw what medicine could be in the future, and also as more flattering to my shape!

With my best friend as the science officer, we went to our first Con in cosplay (only geeky t-shirts prior to that) and were able to get photos with Dr Beverly Crusher herself, Gate McFadden! She was lovely and seemed to love that we were using props as well.

I have now acquired a small collection of tribbles (all safely sterilised for now) and took my tamest one along for the trip – it only made a few objections now and then, to the shock of people standing near!

So, have been doing some reading around the futurism of Star Trek medicine and there are some cool articles out there, and certainly inspiration from Star Trek, with people trying to invent the real life equivalent to the hypospray and full body scanner.,to%20give%20injections%20of%20medications.&text=The%20U.S.%20Food%20and%20Drug,without%20the%20use%20of%20needles.